banniere Codit


Camera-ready Submission

If your paper has been accepted to CoDIT'14, please submit the final camera-ready version of your paper following the instructions below.

  1. Login to the EasyChair submission system and ensure that your name and affiliation are correct. The information you provide will go into the conference program so please make appropriate changes as soon as possible.
  2. Your manuscript has to be accompanied by a signed copyright form (pdf file or doc file). Please scan your signed copyright form and send it by e-mail to the Organizing Committee Chair.
  3. Prepare the final version of your paper, using the MS Word template or the LaTex template and taking into account the comments from the reviews. Your paper will be checked to ensure reviewers' feedback has been taken into consideration.
    You have to add the copyright notice to your paper before creating PDFs. This copyright notice must be inserted manually. In the MS Word template there is a text box at the bottom of the first column (for identifying sponsors) that can be used. When using LaTex, insert one of the following commands right after \documentclass.
    • if all authors are employed by the US Government:
      \IEEEpubid{\hspace{-\columnwidth}U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright}
    • if all authors are employed by a Crown Government:
      \IEEEpubid{\hspace{-\columnwidth}978-1-4799-6773-5/14/\$31.00 \copyright 2014 Crown}
    • otherwise:
      \IEEEpubid{\hspace{-\columnwidth}978-1-4799-6773-5/14/\$31.00 \copyright 2014 IEEE}
    To ensure that your paper has the right IEEE format, submit it to the IEEE PDF eXpress site (see instructions).
  4. Upload the validated camera-ready version in the EasyChair web site using the submenu Submit a new version in the tab corresponding to your paper. NOTE: The deadline for receiving the camera-ready version is September 10, 2014. There will be no deadline extension possible.
  5. At least one of the paper's authors has to register to conference by no later than September 10, 2014 for inclusion in the proceedings.

If problem, please contact the Organizing Committee Chair.